Wednesday, October 30, 2019

How to manage Instagram in a simple way

How to manage Instagram in a simple way

Instagram is, without a doubt, the most popular social network of the moment and it has been of recent years, a platform that does not stop growing in number of users but also in intensity of use worldwide and, of course, in Spain, where it reaches 13.7 million users. This makes it the fourth most used platform, just behind WhatsApp, Facebook, and YouTube.

In addition, Instagram is the platform that records a greater number of interactions by users and that offers greater efficiency to Spanish brands, which makes it the ideal place to publicize any product or service and try to reach thousands of people who may be interested in him.

Best tools to manage your marketing campaigns on Instagram
For this reason it is very useful to know how to manage Instagram in a simpler way, so that throughout this article we will talk about the different tools that you should value and use when developing your marketing strategies in this network social and so you can get the most out of them.

If you want to know how to manage Instagram in a simpler way we recommend you take a look and for that reason and we will talk about each one of them so that you know what they consist of and how they can help you.

It is a very complete social network analysis and management tool. In the free version it offers you data that can be of great interest, by offering information about your community, the impact that the publications you are making and the result of each content are having, in addition to being able to know data related to the evolution of the community, statistical data on the age, sex and location of visitors, and also obtain graphs about interactions, scopes, and so on.

With the free version, you can also analyze up to five competing Instagram accounts, find out the best time to publish on your Instagram account and program up to 50 contents, features that are extended in the paid version.

This tool is very useful for the management and analysis of an Instagram account, differing from the previous one in that in company profiles it allows you to schedule publications and videos on Instagram with direct and automatic publication.

In its free version, it is possible to program up to 30 contents, in addition to tracking the interactions and comments of each publication. The free version offers interesting possibilities that logically extend with the paid version.

This tool focuses on offering Instagram content programming with a direct and automatic publication, in the case of company profiles. Thanks to the free version, up to 10 contents can be programmed, while in the paid version data related to scope and impact statistics and other advantages can be accessed.

If you want to design graphic content for Instagram, with the appropriate dimensions and with a good dose of creativity, perfect for creating conventional publications and stories without having to use other specific and more complex design programs, you can find all the resources you can Need gracaisa to mushroom tool.
This tool, which is very interesting, is free and perfect to get the most out of the biography link, this being the only link in the social network that can be clicked, since the links in the descriptions of the publications are not activated and can only be included in stories in those cases where the profile has more than 10kfollowers.

Through this tool, you can create a small landing page that users will reach after clicking on the link in your biography. In it you can enter as many links as you want, being the option indicated for those who wish to place more than one link in their Instagram account.

Repost for Instagram
This is an application that is available for both iOS and Android and offers the possibility of republishing third-party content, something that does not allow the platform to be done on its own, so it is a very important tool to be able to share in a personal or business account any content that has been published on another Instagram account.

This tool is indicated for the creation and management of raffles and contests on Instagram, being able to indicate requirements such as leaving a comment or mentioning a person in the publication or adding a specific hashtag in the contents related to the raffle. This makes Cool Tabs generate lists of participants and randomly select the winner, creating a page of winners and offering a certificate of validity to the draw to ensure its legality. In the face of contests, landing pages can be set up, creating participation forms and generating a public gallery for votes. It has a free trial, a good opportunity to try the tool.

Icon square
This tool is responsible for showing the growth of the community in the company profile, with its location and geographic data, in charge of measuring the impressions, scope and engagement of the publications, indicating when the followers are connected in order to achieve maximum possible impact on publications.

To finalize our list we refer to Heepsy, a tool that allows you to search influencers on Instagram, either by a specific name or by themes. With the free version, the account engagement rate, the number of followers and the posts they have published are offered. In the paid version filters are added by geographic location and number of followersas well as other reports of great interest to be able to find and choose the appropriate influencers for your Instagram account.

All these tools will help you when it comes to knowing how to manage Instagram in a simpler way.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

How to create Instagram Stories for businesses

How to create Instagram Stories for businesses

Instagram stories are one of the most popular and used by users of the platform, being one of the best ways that exist today to grow a platform account in the number of followers, but also for a product or service achieve the popularity and the notoriety that is demanded.
 In addition, Instagram stories have numerous features and tools that allow you to customize this type of publication through the use of different stickers, achieved through many of them to make the interaction with followers grow. These functions can even be extended through the use of applications that are designed and designed to increase the level of personalization of the stories and improve them for subsequent publication in the account.
 How to create the best Instagram stories for companies
If you want to know how to create Instagram Stories perfect for companies, throughout this article we will give you a series of tips that are very important to keep in mind, since if you have a brand or manage a company profile they can help you when to get the most out of one of the functions that have the greatest relevance and importance in the social network, especially for the great ease and speed with which these contents can be published whose visibility is 24 hours.

 Post consistently

One of the first tips to keep in mind when knowing how to create Instagram Stories perfect for companies is to be constant in the publications, which does not mean that you have to publish a lot of content every day, which can even reach be counterproductive because it could be annoying for some people, but it is important that values ​​publish a minimum of stories every day or week, so that you see all the followers and all those who still do not follow you that your profile has activity and that is not outdated or abandoned.
 It is very important that your followers can know the business in their day to day without having to visualize an excessive amount of stories, which, as we have mentioned, can overwhelm them and make them pass by. For this reason, you should publish constantly but without overloading your Australian instagram followers.

 Distribute published content

Another point to value when creating Instagram stories that are attractive to users is to distribute and distribute the content throughout the day so that you can nurture followers with appropriate content but not all of the same time if not that it is distributed throughout the day.
 In this way, for example, you can publish three stories in the morning, another three in the afternoon and two at night. In any case, in this sense, it is important that you take into account the hours in which your publications have the highest user traffic so that you can adapt to your audience and find the best moments to make a publication.

 Make use of IGTV

If what you are looking for or need is to upload longer videos to what you can with Instagram Stories, it is best to make use of Instagram TV, being for this a fundamental tool, thanks to which users can share content in a simple way in your stories or account feed, with the advantage that, in addition, with this function you do not have to worry about uploading videos in horizontal or vertical format, since both options are possible.
 Instagram TV is increasingly used by users, although it still does not have the importance and relevance that they expected from the platform to have their video service. However, there are many brands that already incorporate IGTV in their content publishing strategy.

Create featured stories or weekly series

On the other hand you also have to take into account, especially when talking about a business or brand, that users can find what they want, trying to opt for the creation of weekly series in which on a given day of the week a type of content in particular, whether it is a review or analysis of a product, tips, etc., some stories that users will expect for a specific day and that may become aware of the profile, in addition to contributing to an improvement in user interaction.
In the case that you create weekly series with some type of content, in particular, the most advisable thing is to save them in the Instagram profile through the highlighted stories, including a name that can be striking and that at the same time has a cover image for the same that attracts attention while defining the type of content. Organizing the featured stories within a profile is also important and you should always keep it in mind, as this will help all users who reach your profile to access your content in a better way.

 Make promotions and raffles

When a company or an influencer raffle something, it is usual to ask users to capture the publication and upload it to their stories, this being a great way to generate an opportunity for promotion and also very economical, since much publicity will be achieved in exchange for investing in a product that may be attractive to the audience to circumvent it.
 To do this you must publish a History in which the draw is informed and how to participate, in addition to looking for the regulations to be in accordance with your interests, that is, to require users to follow the account, mention three friends in the publication and upload the publication to your story by naming the account. Thanks to all this, a large number of followers can be gained and great visibility can be obtained.

How to improve your Instagram stories with the use of apps

How to improve your Instagram stories with the use of apps

Instagram stories are elements that are very easy to publish on the well-known social platform, but it is not so much to create them, or at least that when you create them you achieve a result that manages to attract the attention of real instagram followers, which is one of the Priorities in the vast majority of cases when creating one of these publications.

Instagram stories have become the most used function by users, ahead of traditional publications, since they offer a lot of possibilities both when sharing any time and making the publication active for 24 hours and options offered in the form of interaction with users through the stickers available for this function. This has made many people prefer these types of posts over the rest of the options available on Instagram. However, getting a good story to publish on social networks is not always easy.

For this reason, the most advisable thing is to resort to the use of certain third-party applications that help us improve Instagram stories, apps that are minimalist and simple but at the same time allow the creation of stunning and more professional stories, and all this in a matter of minutes and directly from the Smartphone itself. In this case, we are going to talk about a series of options that you have at your disposal to be able to use in those terminals and mobile devices that have an Android operating system.

Apps to improve Instagram stories on Android

Here we are going to talk about some applications that cannot be missing on your Android device to create stories with a sober and minimalist style, so you can have at your disposal the tools you need to create an Instagram story that is really impressive for users and not leaves them indifferent.

Some of the best applications that you can find in this regard for the Google operating system are the following:


This application has hundreds of templates that can be used, dozens of themes to choose from and having the possibility of working with both photographs and videos is a perfect application to design a different and impressive Instagram stories.

It also has a large number of filters, such as those that can be found in any other editing application, some of them looking more classic and others more modern, thus giving the most desired touch to each publication.

By using this application you have the possibility to publish them directly on the social network of Instagram or save them in the terminal itself to be able to use them and publish them at another time.
Story Lab
This well-known application has more than 200 templates from which you can create Instagram stories, using some photographs, and you can also, choose to create a collage with them or directly proceed to the editing of a video.

If you choose to edit the images you can count on a large number of different decorative resources, such as different types of texts, stickers, frames, backgrounds, etc.

In addition, this application also has its own filters so that your Instagram story can be even more important and visible, in addition to provide it with a touch of art that otherwise you would have to spend for a great period of time going through the edition in a specific application like Photoshop, but now in a much more comfortable and fast way.


On the other hand, it is worth mentioning StoryChic, another application that is suitable for creating stories in both video and image formats, with different editing tools within the app, although these are mainly focused and dedicated to the editing of images and not so much to video content.

In this way, the app makes available to the user a wide catalog of resources to improve the images, among which you can find filters, frames, text editor with artistic sources, backgrounds, stickers…. In addition, from the application itself, you can publish them in your Instagram stories, which will be even more comfortable.

In addition, you should keep in mind that you can save the edited story on your mobile device, so that you can prepare them both for publication on Instagram and in the publications you want to make and that have a similar format, such as Facebook and their Stories or WhatsApp states.

Story Maker

Finally, we can talk about Story Maker, an application that has different resources and editing tools with different filters, borders and other tools, so you can create great Instagram stories, although these publications can also be used in other social networks and platforms such as Snapchat, Facebook or WhatsApp.

It should also be noted that it has fonts that allow artistic texts to be included in the images, as well as backgrounds in case you want to combine two or more images in any type of publications for any social network in which you are interested in making the publication.

So, thanks to the use of these four applications for Android you can create much more striking stories for Instagram and other social networks, something that is highly recommended in case you have an Instagram account that you use for commercial or professional purposes, which is essential to attract the attention of the followers and the audience to try to capture their attention. In this way, you can optimize the promotion of products or services, making it much more likely to get their attention and, therefore, greater options for the promotion to end satisfactorily.

Continue to visit BuyInstagram Followers 22 to be aware of the latest news from different platforms and social networks, as well as to know tricks, guides, and other tips with which to succeed in the digital world.